Четверг, 13 марта
на весь день
Мистер ЧудоMr. Wonderful
США, 1993, мелодрама / комедия
Рейтинг ВсёТВ:         
Комментариев: 0
Режиссер(ы): Энтони Мингелла
Актеры: Мэтт Диллон, Аннабелла Шорра, Мэри-Луиз Паркер, Уильям Херт, Винсент Д'Онофрио, Дэвид Барри Грэй, Дэн Хедайя, Брюс Кирби, Луис Гузман
Electrician Gus gets the chance to fulfill a childhood dream by buying an old bowling-alley with some of his friends. Unfortunately, due to the alimony payments he has to make to his ex-wife Leonora, the bank refuses to loan him the down payment. Knowing that when she marries again she loses her alimony rights, Gus tries to speed things up by bringing Leonora together with all the potential husbands he can find. Although this approach isn't very successful, it awakens feelings in both of them they didn't know they still had.
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