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Индия, 2006, драма           Рейтинг ВсёТВ:       Комментариев: 0
Режиссер(ы): Гурбир Гревал
Актеры: Кулрадж Рандхава, Джимми Шергилл, Канвалджит Сингх, Анита Шабдиш, Рупиндер Каур, Дип Дхиллон, Четана Дас, Суриндер Батх

After the Indian Government ordered troops into the Soni Darbar in Amritsar, which angered the Sikh community worldwide, leading to the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during 1984, the subsequent backlash against the Sikhs, and instructions to Police to hunt down and apprehend all suspected terrorists. Karnail Singh was one such person, who claims that he has had no hand in any terrorism activity, but is nevertheless pursued by the Police, leaving his widowed mom, Kartar, and sister, Parsan, to fend for themselves by running a Dhaba (Restaurant) and being subjected to harassment at the hands of an overly zealous Inspector Ujagar Singh, on one hand while the village Mukhiya wants Parsan to get married to a much older Narang Singh, on the other. Parsan's problems are resolved when Indian Army Captain Nihal Singh intervenes, and eventually marries her, even though her mom, beaten senseless by the Police, passes away on the day of the marriage. Months later, Nihal must re-locate to Siachen, leaving behind a pregnant Parsan. Once in Siachen, he gets news that Parsan has been attacked and is hospitalized. Since Siachen is isolated due to a heavy snowstorm, he can only return home after several days. Upon arrival at the hospital, he is told that Parsan has passed away, and his daughter has been abducted by his neighbors, Sukhwant Kaur and her husband, Mandeep Singh. Nihal's attempts to locate the couple are all in vain. Then things get worse when the Station House Officer is transferred and the new incumbent is his arch-enemy, Ujagar, who literally refuses to locate his daughter. Nihal confronts Ujagar, arguments and fisticuffs ensue, resulting in Ujagar's death. Nihal is arrested, stripped off of his uniform, and sentenced to 20 years in jail. After 20 years, Nihal is discharged from prison and gets employment with Retired Brigadier Shamsher Singh's resort as a Manager. This is where he will meet a young woman named Mannat - who resembles Parsan - and this is where Nihal will now ready himself to confront the couple who allegedly abducted his daughter. Watch what impact this confrontation will have on Mannat.

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