Вторник, 4 марта
на весь день
Тот самый чемпионатThat Championship Season
США, 1999, драма
Рейтинг ВсёТВ:         
Комментариев: 0
Режиссер(ы): Пол Сорвино
Актеры: Винсент Д'Онофрио, Терри Кинни, Тони Шэлхауб, Гари Синиз, Пол Сорвино, Сюзан М. Карр, Дениз Кэй
Four former high school basketball champions and their coach come together annually to celebrate the year they won the Pennsylvania State Basketball Championship. But this year, instead of the usual whimsical nostalgia they usually experience, the former friends and teammates unleash all their secrets on each other so that the foundation of their lives begins to crumble.
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