Пятница, 14 марта
на весь день
Гонка за смертьюRoad Rage
США, 1999, триллер
Рейтинг ВсёТВ:         
Комментариев: 0
Режиссер(ы): Деран Сарафьян
Актеры: Ясмин Блит, Джери Бернс, Алана Остин, Дженика Берджер, Натаниэл ДеВо, Джон Уэсли Шипп, Даг Абрахамс, Максин Миллер
Ellen Carson was a real estate agent who inadvertently cut off a delivery truck while changing lanes and hurrying home on the highway. The truck driver turned out to be a psychopath named Eddie Madden, who proceeded to chase after Ellen in an effort to run her off the road. After a terrifying few minutes on the open road, Ellen finally made it back to the safety of her home; but Eddie had memorized her license number. Armed with this information, he embarked upon a grotesque campaign of terror, ranging from shredding the contents of Ellen's clothes closet to threatening her husband and family to murdering her best friend.
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