Вторник, 4 марта
на весь день
Еще один мужчина, еще один шансUn autre homme, une autre chance
Франция-США, 1977, вестерн
Рейтинг ВсёТВ:         
Комментариев: 0
Режиссер(ы): Клод Лелуш
Актеры: Джеймс Каан, Женевьев Бюжо, Фрэнсис Хастер, Сюзан Тиррелл, Дженнифер Уоррен, Росси Харрис, Линда Ли Лайонс
France 1870: Napoleon III has just lost the war against Prussia and left the country in poverty. Young Jeanne falls in love with photographer Francis, who soon takes her with him when he emigrates to America. In a small town in the still wild west, they build up a small photo shop. Meanwhile animal doctor David lives on his lonesome farm together with his unlucky wife. It takes years and two tragic accidents until Jeanne and David meet. She has already decided to return to France as soon as possible, but then they silently and carefully fall in love for the second time in their lives...
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